Common Mistakes to Avoid when Growing Orchids | Orchid Care

Listed here are the most Common Mistakes to Avoid when Growing Orchids.
It's true that many people are loving the beauty and elegance of orchids but also many people are scared to grow their own orchid plant. Worry no more because we have listed here the most common mistakes for you to avoid that will help you for the success of your orchids. Orchids are a kind of plant that require minimal care and once you have the basic knowledge in orchid care then growing orchid will be a breeze. Hope you find this article helpful for you!
1. Overwatering
One mistake that beginner orchid growers often make is excessive watering. Beginners tend to be overenthusiastic when it comes to providing care for their orchids, and they may end up overwatering their plants. Constant wetness will cause the roots to rot, which leaves the plant without a means for taking up nourishment which then causes the leaves to droop and will eventually kill the orchid plant. Tip: Water orchids about once a week with lukewarm or room temperature water.
2. Avoid Direct Sunlight or Lack of Sunlight
Orchids need a lot of bright and indirect light. If they are placed in direct sunlight, like the kind you would find around noon or early afternoon, then you’ll risk burning their leaves and causing the flowers to wilt. We suggest placing your orchids in an east-facing window that gets morning light. You can also use south- or west-facing windows, but you’ll have to move or protect the orchid from the intense mid-day sunlight. How can you tell if your orchid is getting enough light? Dark leaves indicate that the plant isn’t getting enough sunlight, while leaves with a red hue are getting too much sunlight.
3. Low Humidity
Low humidity can cause problems during the winter, leading to wrinkled leaves and bud blast. Keep in mind that since orchids are tropical plants, they need the humidity in their environment to be kept between 55 and 75 percent. If you are living in an area that has low humidity, remember to provide artificial humidity for your orchid. This can be done by misting your plant from time to time or placing a humidity tray underneath its pot.
4. Transplanting while in Bloom
Orchids needs to be replanted every once in a while, but never ever replanting while the orchid is in bloom! Repotting an orchid while in bloom can unfortunately kill your plant. Repotting an orchid plant in bloom will lead to not having enough resources to adequately cope with the move so it goes into shock. This can result in wilting and sagging of the leaves and blooms. We suggest to schedule you repotting before or after the plant blooms.
5. Planting Orchid in Soil
Orchids naturally grow in the wild from the bark of trees therefore they should not be planted in soil. Orchids need potting mixes that allow sufficient air circulation around their roots. There are many kind of potting mixes you can use such as redwood bark, coconut husk fiber, airflow and many more.